Hello Legion Family!

First, I would like to thank all of you for coming out and supporting all of the events that our Post has been offering! We have all been working very hard to provide fun activities and fundraisers for all to attend.

I am especially proud of the Ladies Auxiliary for all the improvement we have made in the last two years. Our participation is turning heads and making a difference within our own Post! We have certainly started a path to excellence with the active members who have been donating their time and efforts to every event we hold. This includes any event at our Legion with no exception as to who runs it. Our ladies volunteer in the kitchen, at the door for dinners, for bake sales, for raffles, random days during the week to help bartenders with lunches, selling plants, taking care of maintenance of the building, donating items for our charity events! The list goes on what this group does out of the passion and kindness of their hearts for our beloved Post 215. I think I can speak for them when I say we all share the absolute love of our veterans and what our American Legion Post stands for. I say this repeatedly, but I mean it when I say that I could not be more proud than to be a part of the sisterhood we have in LaGrange. They are truly a special group of people. If you are not an active member of this group, you should be asking yourself WHY NOT?

I do want to touch base on a new change within our Legion. Please welcome Brenda Louise Williams as our new Kitchen Manager! And welcome Kay Cross as the new Bar Manager/Banquet Hall Coordinator! They will be your new contacts for any future questions.

With that, I would like to thank my fantastic husband, Kyle Olinger! He truly bleeds for his home Post 215! Thank you, Kyle, for doing such an outstanding job at taking care of the Auxiliary whenever we ran an event. Kyle held our hands through learning how to work dinners, breakfasts, and fundraisers. You are truly an amazing person. Through all the ups and down, criticism and compliments, you held your head up, and earned respect from our com-munity time after time! Hats off to you for all you did for our Post! You set the bar high!

I have a couple requests of our members. If you’re able to pay your membership dues for 2025 early, please do so, as we have the current cards ready to give out now. This counts for us when we go to our fourth District meetings and give our reports of membership. Also, for any members that have not yet attended a District meeting, I strongly encourage you to do so. You do not even have to be a regular volunteer, but it will show you the importance of what we do and our part in the organization.

Last, but not least, I want to remind everyone to watch your calendars, our electronic sign and our website, as our Facebook page is temporarily down. Bill Pipher does an EXCELLENT job at keeping our website up to date with changes!

We are planning a Cancer Fundraiser in October for Pat-rick Fair. We are hoping to put together a Halloween Party for kids as well! We will be organizing a singing contest that was postponed from August, for this fall or winter. And TRIVIA is back!!! Starting back September 4. Be there early to get your seats as we have limited the number of teams to 20 to play due to popularity and limited space.

See you all soon!

For God and Country!

—Lisa Olinger, Unit 215 Auxiliary President