Hello Legion Family!

Special Thanks:
We have had a very busy season! We had a successful outpouring of donations by many individuals and local businesses for our Cancer Fundraiser in October that helped one of our own, Patrick Fair. Our community was especially generous, as always! I would like to thank the volunteers that made that day possible. Pat was able to have a very important procedure done due to the hard work of everyone involved. I would also like to mention that Pat and his mother, Donna Fair, are avid volunteers monthly at our Post. They give back every chance they can. This shows the appreciation they have for the American Legion. I commend these fine people for giving back to those who were there for them in their time of need. Thank you, Pat and Donna Fair for blessing our Post! You are wonderful people!

A special thank you to Julie Byler for the fantastic job she did putting on a skit for our Kid’s Christmas Party this year! As always, Julie puts her heart and soul into our children’s parties by being the best character she can, whether that be by becoming the Grinch who helps kids understand the meaning of Christmas by giving gifts to a homeless veteran, or by dressing as the loveable chicken that comes to the Easter Party. We are very fortunate to have Julie as a part of our team! She has brought life to our parties!

Something Routine:
Our Auxiliary adopted two veteran families for Christmas. We helped to donate specific items that were requested, such as clothes. We also donate to Veteran Homes and send cardsat Christmas time as well. As this time of year can be lonely and mentally difficult for some, we want to make sure to remember them and let them know that no matter what month, day, or time of the year it is, we are ALWAYS thankful for their sacrifices to allow us the freedom we have.

Something New:
Our LaGrange Post 215 has started a couple of “hopeful” new traditions this year! We are normally closed two days a year, Thanksgiving and Christmas day. However, this year, we held a Thanksgiving Day dinner that seemed to be a success. Although I am not sure of next year’s plan for Thanksgiving, if you did not get word of the meal for veterans and family members this year, it would be something to watch out for next year! There were RAVE reviews! Thank you, Brenda Louise Williams, for your outstanding effort in making positive changes with new ideas. The other “hopeful” new tradition is that we are hosting a New Year’s Party this year with Brent Cole as our entertainment. This will include a prime rib dinner with all the trimmings! The 2025 year hopes to introduce and keep a few new and exciting holidays to share at your favorite time out location, Post 215 LaGrange!

Members of our Auxiliary have been working on putting together a couple more events coming up in January and February also! We will NOT be hosting Trivia Night on the first Wednesday in January, as the first Wednesday is New Year’s Day. However, we will be hosting a Trivia Night January 18. There will also be a Comedy Night February 22.

Please remember, if you have not yet paid your 2025 dues to get them paid ASAP! One more thought: Remember to be thankful for your friends and family. Every year at this time people we know deal with loss. Although loss is a tragic situation, this time of year stands to be one of the hardest to lose family or friends. Please keep saying prayers for them. We always have something and someone to be thankful for.

Hoping you had Safe and Happy Holidays!

For God and Country!

—Lisa Olinger, Auxiliary President, Unit 215