Fellow veterans,

A new year is here! Welcome 2025! I wish all veterans and members of Post 215 a safe and healthy New Year! 2024 was a good year that saw a lot of changes to the Post. The cooperation of all the divisions of the Post is what really stands out to me. The Auxiliary, SAL and Riders all worked together as a team to make 2024 the success it was. It’s my hope that this continues throughout 2025.

We’ve had a lot of success bringing in more events for the dining room, which has put more pressure on the kitchen to meet the needs of the customers. Thanks to Louise, the kitchen manager, and all the volunteers, everything went very well, and I feel we’ll have a lot of return business from these events.

I can’t forget the Thanksgiving dinner we put on for Veterans and other family members. It was a big success. All made possible by the dedicated work of Louise and other volunteers. Louise went way above the call of duty to have a beautiful spread of turkey, ham and all the other side dishes that made for a wonderful meal. I believe we had 50+ folks enjoy a say out of the kitchen. We did go through four turkeys. I was surprised that it went so fast. Next year we hope to make it an even bigger event and serve more veterans and families. A very special thank you to all the volunteers that showed up to help.

I have high hopes for this coming year. I would like to replace the carpet in the event room and paint the walls. This could be a costly endeavor, so we’ll be doing some fundraising in order to get this accomplished. I encourage all the veterans to come out and enjoy the meals we offer on Friday nights, great food and entertainment for a very reasonable price. The SAL and the Auxiliary have big plans for 2025 as far as entertainment is concerned, so watch for flyers advertising such events and come on out and support your Post.

I would like to thank all the Legion members, veterans, Auxiliary, the SAL and the Riders for the great year had in 2024 and look forward to a better year in 2025!

Don’t forget to check our website for news about upcoming events at the Post. lagrangepost215.org

Finally, if you have not yet paid your 2025 dues, you will be considered delinquent January 1, and canteen privileges will not be available to you. Our bartenders will be checking cards!.

—Thank you, Rick Seibert, Commander